
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Classification: A "Handy" Guide to the Kingdoms

This one falls into the category of "I wish I thought of that" - such a clever way to help your students remember the kingdoms. 

I can't really do the article justice, so you'll probably best be served to read it yourself, but I'll try to sum up:

Students trace their left on hand on their paper. 

If you have a green thumb, you're good with PLANTS

When you hold up your index finger while at a sporting event, you're saying ""We're number one".  Make the connection between one and mono and MONERA (bacteria).  (You'll have to combine the two kingdoms of bacteria into the one finger).

Pinky is for PROTISTS.  A small finger for small organisms.  The pinky has three segments, and there are three types of protists. 

The ring finger - if you don't wear a ring, you're not married, so you must be a fun guy.... a FUNGI (...pause for a collective groan...)

And finally, the finger the students have all be waiting for, curious to see how you're going to handle it.... Hold up your whole hand - which finger is the largest?  So that finger will be used for the kingdom with the largest variety of organisms and the largest individual organisms - the ANIMAL kingdom.  And if said finger is used inappropriately, it's called 'the bird'....


  1. Hehehe Karen...I thought this was a bit funny...and a good idea!

  2. Great idea! But one slight problem. The Protist kingdom is the one considered to have the greatest variety (not animalia). Also, the largest organisms, I believe, are in the plant kingdom, with giant seqoyahs and monster seaweeds, etc. (again, not animalia). I'll still be using this, but will change it to be more accurate.

  3. Hi Joy, curious where your information about the Protist kingdom having the great variety. Most sources I can find look at the number of different species and using this method the animal kingdom seems to win for the largest number of species -
    Great activity. I'll be using it tomorrow.


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